What is Click Fraud?

Click fraud is the practice of clicking on an advertisement hosted on a website with the intention of draining revenue from the advertiser via automated bots. These bots cost the advertiser money by pretending to be real people, thus wasting their advertising budget.

How does Siphon battle Click-Fraud?

Siphon keeps a working record of every visitor your site receives. We are able to identify bots before your page even loads. Thus giving you a recorded report of any false ad clicks you may have received.

Increase advertiser confidence

With Siphon installed on your website, you can increase advertiser confidence because you can guarantee your advertisers that your website is 99.9% botfree, so they can be assured their ad clicks are being spent on real people, not bots.

Protect Your Ads From Click Fraud

Click fraud is everywhere, and its almost impossible to detect, until now. Siphon uses our complex algorithm to identify when a bot has clicked your ad.

Maintain Control of Your Digital Assets

Your website and digital assets belong to you, and they should stay that way! Siphon will stop content scrapers and other digital thieves from stealing your website’s content.

Keep Spammers at Bay

Make sure the only voices being heard on your website have something meaningful to say, by helping to stop automatic spam posting Siphon will ensure input that you are receiving from your visitors is real.

Prevent Security Nightmares

Maintaining your website and business is demanding enough without having to worry about the increasing amount of threats that exist online today. Siphon will help to prevent these threats from ever reaching your site, letting you have peace of mind knowing your site is protected against the most common attack vectors.

Insight into Evolving Traffic Patterns

Every website is unique and so are its visitors, which is why Siphon’s platform utilizes advanced machine learning to continually profile every client’s website traffic to help better identify abnormalities and malicious visitors.

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